Uranium Enery Corp Green Logo



February 2020

Former U.S. Energy Secretary Warns of Energy Crisis

Policy Makers Forced to Recognize Importance of Diversified Energy Sources

An interview of Spencer Abraham, Former U.S. Secretary of Energy, UEC Chairman, with Rick Rule, President & CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, on the importance of a diversified national energy policy, geopolitical risks, U.S. overdependence on imports with topics including carbon emissions, oil & gas, coal, nuclear energy, and uranium.

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Processing U3O8

Processing U3O8

This photo depicts a portion of the Company’s Hobson in-situ recovery (ISR) processing plant in Karnes County, Texas. In the uranium ISR process, the natural occurrences that deposited the uranium in the sandstones is reversed. On-site ground water is fortified with gaseous oxygen and is introduced to the uranium ore body through a pattern of injection wells. The solution dissolves the uranium out of the sandstone host rock. The uranium-bearing solution is recovered from production wells and then pumped to recovery ion-exchange columns. The ion-exchange process involves removing the uranium from the pregnant wellfield solution and loading the uranium onto millions of synthetic resin beads. When the resin in an ion-exchange column is loaded to capacity, it is transported to the processing plant for stripping, filtering, drying, and packaging into marketable yellowcake.